Registration begins: February 1, 2025.
If you plan to commute, please still register! Registration fee must be paid within two weeks for registration to be accepted and considered complete. (Pay via PayPal or send a check to CMRB Treasurer - details below.)
All who are planning to attend classes and/or meals during the day at Reunion (even if not staying overnight) MUST register and provide contact information for planning purposes, as well as insurance requirements. If you're ONLY coming in for a few evening services - not meals or classes during the day - you do not need to register.
The registration fee is $25 per person. Children under 5 are free.
Please note: Donations beyond this amount are needed to cover the actual costs of the reunion. The estimated cost per person is $150.
Since this is a family reunion, we encourage participants to attend as families. An adult over 21 must stay in each cabin where children will be staying. Adults must be willing to ensure that campers under their care are supervised at all times and taking part in all scheduled activities.
THEME: Ponder These Things Within Your Heart
Scripture: Moroni 10:3, D&C 85:16
Blue Hymnal #197 - We Limit Not the Truth of God
5 p.m. Saturday - 1 p.m. Saturday
Name: Steve and Rachelle Kropp
Name: TBA
Camp Pastor: TBA
Lodging TBA
Cook: TBA
AM Speaker:
PM Speaker:
If you plan to commute, please still register! Registration fee must be paid within two weeks for registration to be accepted and considered complete. (Pay via PayPal or send a check to CMRB Treasurer - details below.)
1) Send a check made out to "CMRB" to
CMRB Treasurer
706 S Clay
Holden, MO 64040
[with a note stating it is for reunion and the names of those you are paying for]
2) Use the PayPal button below: (Please be sure to choose the correct number of registrations you are paying for on the right. A $25 registration fee needs to be paid for each person attending reunion.)